Why not try real solutions?
Spokane could just decide to love its community more. Everyone wants less crime, but leaning on police to do all the work just creates more prisoners. We need to actually invest in our community; in each other.
Important Updates
Pastor Kendricks welcomed us and we introduced ourselves to each other. Pastor Kendricks reminded us of our formation through the story of William Pondexter’s altercation with his girlfriend, how Eric Bushnell skateboarding by shot William in the back at 30 feet while walking away from confrontation. Bushnell was acquitted of all charges, including even manslaughter, in a trial paid for by taxpayers. Pastor Kendricks later showed us a ribbon 30 feet long, to help us visualize this crime of murder.
Scott Mueller informed us of upcoming training: Implicit Bias training, as well as a Bystander Training by Improv. Drama Group as way of showing group. April is looking for examples and gathering stories to be used in these dramas. SCAR signed a letter originated by Family Against Bigotry (FAB). We work together and share resources.
Jac Archer led us in debriefing and offering suggestions about last month’s meeting about Allsup and that White Supremacy.
Crazy groups hearing mechanics, made it more real. Small number.
Comments about references in our SCAR meeting to “us progressives,” which might exclude moderates and Republicans who are equally concerned about racism and the Alt Right. For instance, As a positive example, FAB contacted and reached out to both Democrats and Republican leadership. In our meeting the issue of exercising free speech, but without providing a platform for hate speech.
Bob Lloyd attended protest when Dennis Nunes led a fundraiser for Cathy McMorris-Rogers. He noticed difference in this crowd to some of our own protests and rallies. These is potential more more collaboration and making more allies. We need to ask people what is their interest and commitment level, rather than assume. Bob advocated a strategy of getting buy-in in general, and then publicize names of people who sign such a covenant, and then go public, advertise in some way. ut also then don’t ask them to do things that are outside their interests. We can think in terms of three levels of participation:
Note well When we have these meetings about white supremacy remember that this is easy for us, because they are so extreme. We need to remember that we are all caught in an inequitable racial system, and do the personal work necessary.
SRLJC Maggie Yeats was just hired as the administrator, and will begin August 22. SCAR’s open letter resulted in s meeting with some of the criminal justice system leaders, including some of their data experts. Good news…we have received data. Pui-Yon Lam, our data deva, and Scott Mueller are analyzing this data. The meeting was Contentious until their data people spoke directly to ours. It then became clear that our request could be honored without cost, using a thumb drive. We now need to decide whether we want to request sorting of this data, which would incur a fee, perhaps a hefty one.
We’re also looking at how much of the MacArthur Foundation grant that was designated for racial justice was spent in other ways, such as travel. Jail population has increased by approximately 10% despite the MacArthur grant.
Curtis Hampton invites SCAR members to request our presence. We’re working on criteria for evaluating requests. Secondly, we’re working on urgency training, for immediate response. Our goals is to address cases in the right away and then move on. Some hearings and pre-trials get cancelled or rescheduled, so we need to inform people at the last minute.
He attended Charlottesville White Supremacy Rally. James Alsop’s is a Republican percent leaders in Walla Walla, and was denounced by local Republican leaders, but then was a featured speaker at a meeting in Spokane Valley. This fact will be exposed in a press release formally condemning support for Allsup tomorrow. Motion to sign onto this press release. Passed unanimously. Note well: FAB received death threats before their last public event.
Shadel Park Night Against Crime. This event ends up glorifying military aspect of law enforcement. Concern about the message being made. Send more information to Pastor Kendricks, who will send it to the Steering Committee.
Scott demonstrated our website, and asked for input.
Minutes from previous meetings
SRLJC, Survey for members including interest and time to commit.
All events managed through FaceBook feed. Send articles you would like us to post. Also send ideas for the web. We current have 350 email boxes. Add your name to the bottom of the front page.
Michael Kirk introduced himself. He is running for county clerk because of his interest in racial justice.
There is a Community Response Rally to the Republican continuing support of Allsup Thursday 5:30 at Spokane County Courthouse.