Why not try real solutions?
Spokane could just decide to love its community more. Everyone wants less crime, but leaning on police to do all the work just creates more prisoners. We need to actually invest in our community; in each other.
Important Updates
We did it! Spokane Public Schools passed this resolution to work on anti-racism in Spokane Public Schools. The 500 plus emails, over 200 people in our virtual meeting, the 28 testimonies in support and the tireless community advocates and staff and fellow board members who have worked towards this for years – we did it.
– Nikki Lockwood
Public School Resolution Supporting the SPS Student Community Related to Racial Equity
WHEREAS: Spokane Public Schools recognizes the current unprecedented challenges facing our community related to both the COVID-19 crisis and the inequities involved in all aspects of health, wellness, and learning.
WHEREAS: The mission of Spokane Public School is to provide excellence for everyone, yet this opportunity has not been made possible for every student
WHEREAS: The national crisis of racism has been reflected in both recent and historical events highlighting the injustice and discrimination that is pervasive through our culture and institutions
WHEREAS: We realize that structural racism is built into the bones of our schools, as well as every structure in society; we have to build anti-racism into the bones in order to increase student empowerment, belonging, value, and hope for the future (adapted from Ijeoma Oluo)
WHEREAS: We have gathered extensive community feedback through the last several years from community stakeholders, parents, and students on how to improve the educational experiences of students, however there is more work to be done
WHEREAS: We are committed to change in order to truly live our vision of Excellence for Everyone
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will establish equity policies that guide budgetary processes, operations, and student programming
Develop a strategic plan using a racial-equity lens in every goal and objective by Spring 2021
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will establish policy that requires all new employees to participate in cultural responsiveness training before working with students
Office of Family and Community Engagement will partner with other key district departments to develop an onboarding training menu for staff focused on cultural responsiveness/anti-racism
Hereby: Spokane Public School will establish policy that ensures cultural responsiveness/anti- racism training continues with current staff and ensures that all staff regularly participate
Continue Anti-Racism training for all building staff (WEA Cultural Responsiveness)
Culturally Responsive Training for school community (including students & parents)
Sustained Dialogue: Building Staff & School Community (facilitated)
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will implement additional structures to increase student voice and specifically collect input regarding issues related to racial equity
Enhance current student surveys to include questions specifically related to racial equity
In collaboration with community partners, schedule listening sessions during themonths of June and August
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will advance equitable student-centered learning by providing cultural connections to curriculum, student agency, project-based learning, and competency centered structures for grading, course completion, and advancement
Conduct a Task-Force to provide recommendation for aspects equitable student- centered learning by August 2020
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will implement social emotional learning curriculum and emphasize wellness and anti-racism as key factors of student and staff success
Provide resources to continue the implementation of SEL curriculum and develop additional wellness and anti-racism resources for staff
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will prioritize resources to support the holistic needs of underserved populations
Apply equity lens to current 2020-2021 budget development process to avoid reductions to intervention staffing and resources
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will prioritize resources and training to ensure high levels of inclusion for students with disabilities
Continue inclusionary practices pilot and invest professional development and resources moving forward
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will establish systems and structures to ensure all students have equitable access to technology and are able to access distance learning
Propose new technology access model by June 24, 2020
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools employees will not arrest students
Propose new safety strategy by June 24, 2020
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will establish ambitious goals for increasing work-force diversity and will invest resources in recruitment and retention strategies
Hire Person of Color-Led Consulting Company with established experience in diversifying employee pools in large organizations; follow all recommendations (with community feedback)
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will enhance the process for receiving and addressing student and family concerns around reported racial discrimination
Informal strategies will be developed and communicated to families to address issues related to racial discrimination
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will invest in the development of a Person of Color-led Multi- Cultural Club in every-single-school
The Office for Family and Community Engagement will develop a proposed model for providing a club in all schools
Hereby: Spokane Public Schools will ensure oversight of exclusionary discipline
The Office of Family and Community Engagement and Student Services will develop an Ombudsperson process to evaluate all long-term suspensions and expulsions
This is just the beginning!