Thank you if you were able to make our first meeting of 2022. If you missed the meeting, had to leave early, or wanted a recap then check out some of our meeting content below!


Land Acknowledgement

Check out https://native-land.ca/

Or text your zip code to 907-312-5085 to find out more about the lands you reside on.


Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskell





Other relevant articles:





Platform For Change 2.0




PLatform for Change 2.0 Slide Deck



State Legislative Push
by ACLU Zara Stevens and Anthony Blankenship



Impact of Police Accountability Legislation:

by Next Steps Washington, Martina Morris


Access the DATA


Spokane Tenant’s Union Legislative Push by Terri Anderson



Volunteer Actions and Buttons


Burritos for the People

Burritos for the people has served 7165 burritos. We can always use more volunteers Sundays 8:30-10am! Join the team by coming by Main Market any Sunday at 8:30am.

Light Activism

Projects for 2022:

Black History Month

#Should Still Be Alive Today

Get out the Vote!

Unhoused people deserve dignity

MMIW(Murdered and Missing Ingenious Women)

Special Teams

Want to join a special team like the Research and Data (RAD Team) or the Writer’s Room?

Send an email of interest :

Court Watch

Since the start of SCAR the Judicial system has been a major focus. Court Watch is growing and expanding. We hope that you can join and help courtwatch grow.

Platform For Change Slides